
% This code produces a k-t sampling pattern for T2 Shuffling acquisition.
% The full description can be found in the MRM paper,
% "T2 Shuffling: Sharp, Multi-Contrast, Volumetric Fast Spin-Echo Imaging"
% The code is provided to demonstrate the method. It is not optimized
% for reconstruction time
% Jonathan Tamir <>
% Jan 03, 2016
addpath src/utils


dims = [260, 240];
accel = [1.34, 1.34]; % used to control number of echo trains (scan time)
ETL = 82;
e2s = 2;
shuffle = true;
cut_corners = true;
num_masks = 8;
VD = 3;
mask_cal_size = 12;

% --- do not change below this point

options.dims = dims;
options.accel = accel;
options.ETL = ETL;
options.e2s = e2s;
options.shuffle = shuffle;
options.cut_corners = cut_corners;
options.num_masks = num_masks;
options.VD = VD;
options.mask_cal_size = mask_cal_size;

[masks, y_echoes, z_echoes, sp_mask] = gen_t2shuffling_mask(options);

imshow(reshape(masks(:,:,1:e2s+3), dims(1), []));
ftitle(sprintf('Sampling patterns for first %d TEs', e2s+3));

masks_avg = sum(masks(:,:,e2s+1:end), 3);
imshow(reshape(masks_avg, dims(1), []));
ftitle('Sampling pattern summed over time');
Actual acceleration is 1.850676
Actual acceleration is 13.824800
Actual acceleration is 13.844489
Actual acceleration is 13.844489
Actual acceleration is 13.836607
Actual acceleration is 13.852380
Actual acceleration is 13.711706
Actual acceleration is 13.801250
Actual acceleration is 13.746606